There is a Critter in My Garage. What Now?

There is a Critter in My Garage. What Now?

Have you begun to suspect that there may be a critter or critters hiding out in your garage? Are there clues such as sounds that you can't identify, urine or feces in the corners, or items that are strewn about? The clues may be pointing toward an unwanted guest hanging out in your garage. What do you do now? Unpredictable New England weather can lead to numerous reasons why a critter might be invading certain spaces in your home. In the Fall & Winter months, animals frequently are in search of a place to settle during the cold months. Here are some ways to identify what critter may be invading your home in New England.

Identification Clues

The first thing that most homeowners try to do is figure out what is in their garage. It could be an amazing number of critters including mice, rats, squirrels, skunks, opossums, raccoons, or chipmunks. Clues can be found in the type of damage seen, the size and shape of feces, and when the noises are heard. For example, mice, rats, skunks, and raccoons are known to be nocturnal animals so if you find that you hear scratching, banging, or other noises at night, one of these critters may be the culprit. Squirrels and chipmunks tend to be most active during the daylight hours so be aware of noises during the day.When it comes to feces, mice and rats have small, oval or rounded pellets while skunks and raccoons have larger, more odorous feces. Believe it or not, there are many websites that can help you identify the specific feces you are finding in your garage. Check out some of the scat at the Scat & Droppings Identification Key online.As for damage clues, the larger the animal the larger the mess will be. Rodents tend to leave gnaw marks, while wildlife critters tend to be on the hunt for a place to nest. This means that you may find your storage items have been rooted through or used to create a warm place to rest.

How to Manage Your Critter Issue

Most homeowners begin their quest to get rid of their unwelcome guest by leaving a way out such as a door open or the garage door up a bit. That is a good start. But once you suspect that your critter has left the building now comes the real work. Start by cleaning up the mess and putting things straight again. Look at what the critter wanted. Was it food in the trash, a place to nest, or just a shelter from the elements? Remove all items that may be attracting the pests to your garage. That may mean locking up the trash, keeping the overhead lights off when possible, or storing your season items somewhere else.There is a point when you should call the professionals to do the investigating and removal of said critter or critters. If you have tried to identify the pests and can not do so, or if you fear that the critter could be dangerous, then give Pest-End a call and we can not only determine what your mystery guest is but find a solution to eliminate and exclude it from your garage in the future. Call Pest-End Exterminators now at 1-800-287-4321, 603-382-9644, or 978-794-4321.